Sunday, January 2, 2011

MA Championship in WPI

It has been a while since I last posted. Yes, we went to finals. No, we didn't get an award this time. However we had lots of fun and we did our best. We also broke our own record from 165 to 185! I am very surprised and happy that we made it this far. Soon we will be able to sign each other's team T-shirts.
Thanks to all the parents that supported and helped us along the way. Special thanks to our team coach, who happens to be my dad.
One of the things all the team members always looked forward to at each team meeting was snack break, maybe even more than working with the Legos, because mom normally made all the snacks from scratch, which leads to my next topic.
Next year's theme is "Food Factor" and we are planning ahead of time. I hope next year will be as fun and as exciting as this year's "Body Forward".


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