Friday, October 29, 2010

FLL presentation at FSS

We had a presentation of one of our missions at our school recently. We chose to do the patent and robotic hand mission -it was the only mission we had this time. Fortunately it went pretty well.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dry run

We decided that we would present our work at school. We have already planned out what parts each person is presenting. Bryca will be talking about the history of FIRST, Annamira will be talking about research with me and Ihno will talk about hardware. Sabrina will talk about software.

We have been practicing and preparing for our presentation. Or else you can call it a Dry run. Some of us are shivering with stage freight! But we are excited!

Build, Program and Go!

Today, Bryca and Annamira were working on the hardware. They were making an extension to the robot to allow it to sense touch and push objects. Sabrina, Ihno and I were working on the software. We programmed the robot to move out of base and turn around and move forward to push a push lever to make a robotic hand grab a patent. Then we downloaded it to the robot using a USB cable. We took it to the mission table and turned it on. It took a few tries and adjustments, but we successfully made the robot push the lever. We went wild!!! Oh, and by the way, we decided that our team name will be FSS Robotics.